I believe in healing the whole person. So many therapists only focus on the mental health part that is dysfunctional. To truly be healed one must be healed, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Coco Loco Counseling uses a holistic approach to healing. We utilize a variety of methods and techniques to get you functioning back to normal or even better. I would like to talk about Zone Balance therapy today as one of the holistic methods we use.
Zone Balance Therapy is an advanced form of Reflexology. It is a precise physical therapy applied via direct pressure to the various "zones" of the foot. The Zone balance Therapy Practitioner aka "Zoner" observes the foot and interprets the "messages" it conveys through discolorations, spots, tenderness and pain. When a signal point is triggered within a certain zone a message goes to the tissue or organ effected through a reflex arc through the spinal cord and then to the brain. Discomfort is experienced in areas of imbalance and this is where healing is needed. If there is no pain then no correction is needed.
A complex system located in the feet connects to every organ and cell of the body. Zone Balance Therapy always stimulates every part of the body and renews the cell system in each treatment. Zone Balance Therapy is a holistic approach which recognises that all of the body's cells and organs make up one giant, complex, interactive organism. Zone Balancing encourages the body's natural healing capability by normalizing blood circulation, hormone production and circulations, lymph circulation, digestion, assimilation, elimination and the function of the autonomic nervous system. Zone baling does take time. It works with the body's own innate intelligence and only allows the body to do what it can when it can.
Zone balancing can help you heal emotionally, physically and spiritually. I often work side by side with a Zone Balancer during sessions where a client needs a little extra something or is having a hard time knowing how they are feeling. The zoner and I will tag team a session as you are getting "zoned" she will discuss things she is feeling from you and I will be incorporating that into your mental health treatment as we process the feelings that come up and out.
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