The other day I was going to a Hollywood theme party. My family and I all dressed up as different famous people. The TV was on and as we were running around snapping pictures it turned off all of a sudden on its own. My friend tried to turn it back on but it wouldn't turn on. I tried and I checked everything I could visibly see and all appeared to be in working order and plugged in. The TV was broken. After our party I came home and tried to tinker around with it but I'm not to electronically savvy. I came to the conclusion that it was broke and needed to be fixed. I called a repair man and he said it would probably cost around $300 to fix it if it was what he thought it was. I said never mind and bought a new TV. My brother came over and took the old TV because he wanted to see if he could fix it. I got a phone call an hour later telling me "I'm special" because the only problem with the TV was that it wasn't plugged in the back all the way. When I checked previously it seemed like it was plugged in all the way and everything was fine. I mean I'm not a complete idiot.
This made me start thinking about my life or the lives of my clients. Sometimes we go through life not feeling completely connected or we pretend like everything is fine and we tell everyone that we are doing great. But in reality we feel a little unplugged. You see the TV would work and turn off and then on again and as annoying as it was, we still watched it. Just like when something is not going wrong with us we still move forward or try to act like nothing is wrong and cover it by our ability to function. When my friends and family were running around we must have jarred the plug just enough to become completely disconnected but still appear like it was connected. I am guilty of acting like this. There has been times in my life when I've been in a crisis mode and all I can do is the mandatory tasks that make it appear like I am connected and working just fine, but on the inside knowing that if anyone were to look further or ask me more questions or give me more tasks to do, that I would not be able to handle it and would probably have a melt down right in front of them. At times we need a professional or someone with new insight and experience to come in to help fix the problem or at least help get thing reconnected better.
This made me start thinking about my life or the lives of my clients. Sometimes we go through life not feeling completely connected or we pretend like everything is fine and we tell everyone that we are doing great. But in reality we feel a little unplugged. You see the TV would work and turn off and then on again and as annoying as it was, we still watched it. Just like when something is not going wrong with us we still move forward or try to act like nothing is wrong and cover it by our ability to function. When my friends and family were running around we must have jarred the plug just enough to become completely disconnected but still appear like it was connected. I am guilty of acting like this. There has been times in my life when I've been in a crisis mode and all I can do is the mandatory tasks that make it appear like I am connected and working just fine, but on the inside knowing that if anyone were to look further or ask me more questions or give me more tasks to do, that I would not be able to handle it and would probably have a melt down right in front of them. At times we need a professional or someone with new insight and experience to come in to help fix the problem or at least help get thing reconnected better.
My new TV purchase was an $800 dollar mistake that could have been avoided if I would have asked for help or had the professional come out and look at it before I gave up on the old TV. Using the repair man he could have told me it just needed to be plugged in better and would have only cost me his $85 service fee to come out and check it out. When we don't take care of our problems or emotions it starts to wear on our entire body. We start getting physical symptoms like ulcers, chronic pain, tension in our muscles, chronic diseases etc. Most physical illness is a result of unresolved emotional pain or stress. If you get help to resolve the issues you can prevent yourself from having to spend thousands on medical bills and years of suffering later. While counseling can be expensive how much are you willing to invest in yourself to get plugged in or rewired so you feel you are functioning on your best possible level? How much are you worth to take preventative measures to take care of issues before they get bigger and possibly more serious and painful? You are worth it and so is your health!!! It's OK to talk to a therapist, we are not that scary and we don't bite too hard. We do not judge, we listen and teach you ways to cope and ways to overcome the parts of yourself that you feel are broken or unplugged.
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