Today was the first time in probably 2 months that I made it to the gym to run. I haven't really been motivated to go to the gym to exercise, i have been letting my busy schedule run my life and was cutting out my gym time for relaxation time. Not a good thing for a psychotherapist and energy worker to cut out, it's a no no on the list of self care we as therapists need to be doing as well as everyone else.
As I was running and processing my thoughts and feelings, an idea came to my mind. I need to step up as a leader, I have a lot of people who look up to me and follow my advice. I need to take my advice and run with it. My friend Alisha posted on her facebook a few weeks ago a similar challenge which as i was running I began to think about. I decided for a lot of people, my self included we like and need a challenge or something to motivate us. I started to brain storm things that I could offer or give as an incentive. I have a group of very talented healers that I work with, we are planning to open up a holistic healing center soon. Our techniques are unique and very beneficial. Many people seek us out for not only the techniques we use but for our natural healing gifts that each of us possess. I decided it would be amazing to offer these techniques and services as an incentive to lose weight. Not only will the techniques we use assist in weight loss they have many more profound, spiritual, physical and mental properties to them, which gives the person further insight into themselves and what is going on with them.
20 lbs in 10 weeks will allow a person to lose a safe amount of weight, just in time for Christmas. Starting October 1st and ending December 9th. You will have to make it through two holidays Halloween and Thanksgiving, this is going to throw a wrench is some people's progress but if they can get through those two holidays they can get through anything, and they will have learned how to stay healthy around 2 of the biggest food holidays. Christmas will be easier, because they will know what they need to do to maintain. This is an open challenge meaning anyone can participate, if you miss the October 1st start date you can still join in. Participants will email or post to the group event the weight they loss in five pound increments, for every 5 pound post or email their name will be submitted into a drawing of their choice. They can choose from body talk, zone balance, aroma touch, massage, or life coaching. The grand prize winner will be given the opportunity the experience all of the above. To qualify to be entered in the grand prize drawing the person must have loss 20lbs or more in the 10 week period of October1st to December 9th
Putting the Fun Back in Dysfunctional
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Awakening
It is becoming more and more apparent as I expand my
knowledge and intuitive gifts that there is a great awakening taking place at
this time. Many of the younger
generations are being awakened to their gifts.
I am finding that more and more people in their teens, 20’s and 30’s are
becoming aware of their intuitive powers.
There is a movement occurring, these people are finding each other, they
are talking about their abilities, impressions and desire to help heal and
prepare people for what is to come.
There has been a shift and it is gaining momentum. Traditional therapies and medical advice are
not healing the people well enough. Many
people are experiencing symptoms and illnesses that the medical field cannot
explain and so they call it stress and tell people it is a mental health
problem. While 90% of all illness both physical
and mental are started from stress, the outcomes cannot be cured with a pill
and traditional therapies. Everything is
made of energy, to heal properly; energy work needs to be a big part of the
healing process.
Minds are being opened, the elect are being called to
attention, the work has begun. There is a war that our eyes cannot see, and
that is about to start on the other side, in another realm. Spirits both good
and bad are preparing to battle. As
those preparations go forth, those individuals with intuitive gifts are
becoming awakened and aware of them.
They are learning how to use them and to develop them so they can help
those here on this earth. Quoting a psychic friend, he said, “What we say, feel, think, fear and
desire WILL manifest in reality in a very short time, if not instantaneously.
If we believe that we are on the verge of war, death, annihilation and
enslavement, we will manifest that reality. If we believe that we are on the
verge of revolution and a quantum jump in human spiritual evolution, we will
find ourselves in that world. LITERALLY, not figuratively.” Let us help you make that quantum spiritual
evolutional jump.
Now is the
time to develop and strengthen your spiritual side. Get into touch with your
creator. Develop a strong relationship with the creator. Make sure you have
strong core beliefs because in the near future chaos will ensue and many things
will start to happen that will shake you to the very core, if you do not have a
strong foundation of who you are and what you believe you will crumble and be
tossed up in the whirl wind.
If you feel
weak right now, if you feel you are not strong physically, mentally, energetically
and spiritually, it’s time to get help, it’s time to get yourself strengthened,
balanced and well. Come see me or my
associates, we can help you. There are
different techniques we can implore that will be the right fit for you.
Many people are turning to alternative or holistic ways of
healing. As I work with my own intuitive
gifts and work with energy to heal, more and more like minded individuals are
drawn to me. Together we can heal and
strengthen God’s children in preparation for what is to come.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Body Talk System
Body Talk
A few months ago my sister had a body talk session. I had never heard of body talk before but something aboutit intrigued me. When I tried to get more specific details on it, she was unable to articulate it well. She said the practioner muscle testes you while asking your body questions and finding things that are going wrong in the body. I didn't grasp the amazing concept. My sister said there was going to be a training to become a certified body talk practioner. I thought it would be cool to say I was a body talker and could heal all systems of the body, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and energetical. I was impressed to take the class not knowing what exactly I was getting into.
Fast forward to today. I have been practicing body talk for a few months now and have to say, WOW I am very impressed. I have been looking for a technique that views and treats the body as a complete whole with all systems. My work with trauma survivors has proven time and time again that our emotions and life experiences can cause physical pain. While i can address the mental aspects of pain and treat the mental health illness, I didn't know how to help my client heal from the physical ailments theri emotions have caused and that their doctors did not have the answers. I have seen several of my clients progress much faster than I have ever seen them. I have helped clients with chronic migraines, wheat and milk intolerances, back pain, fatigue, infertility, weight issues and much more.
So what is it? Body talk is like a human version of the horse whisperer. The practioner asks the body yes or no questions and gets the response and then will implement the corrective technique to send signals throughout your body to activate your body's natural innate healing process. A session is usually done on a couch or a massage table where the patient comfortably lies down. The practicioner uses the wrist of the patient to get the body's responses. Tapping techniques are implemented for balancing and correcting problem areas. The client only needs to relax and breathe deeply. The corrections will be made and the majority of the time the client will not have to do anything to make the correction.
Everyone can benefit from a body talk session, to schedule a session please visit us at or call 801-970-5626 (you can also send a text)
Friday, September 9, 2011

The other day I was going to a Hollywood theme party. My family and I all dressed up as different famous people. The TV was on and as we were running around snapping pictures it turned off all of a sudden on its own. My friend tried to turn it back on but it wouldn't turn on. I tried and I checked everything I could visibly see and all appeared to be in working order and plugged in. The TV was broken. After our party I came home and tried to tinker around with it but I'm not to electronically savvy. I came to the conclusion that it was broke and needed to be fixed. I called a repair man and he said it would probably cost around $300 to fix it if it was what he thought it was. I said never mind and bought a new TV. My brother came over and took the old TV because he wanted to see if he could fix it. I got a phone call an hour later telling me "I'm special" because the only problem with the TV was that it wasn't plugged in the back all the way. When I checked previously it seemed like it was plugged in all the way and everything was fine. I mean I'm not a complete idiot.
This made me start thinking about my life or the lives of my clients. Sometimes we go through life not feeling completely connected or we pretend like everything is fine and we tell everyone that we are doing great. But in reality we feel a little unplugged. You see the TV would work and turn off and then on again and as annoying as it was, we still watched it. Just like when something is not going wrong with us we still move forward or try to act like nothing is wrong and cover it by our ability to function. When my friends and family were running around we must have jarred the plug just enough to become completely disconnected but still appear like it was connected. I am guilty of acting like this. There has been times in my life when I've been in a crisis mode and all I can do is the mandatory tasks that make it appear like I am connected and working just fine, but on the inside knowing that if anyone were to look further or ask me more questions or give me more tasks to do, that I would not be able to handle it and would probably have a melt down right in front of them. At times we need a professional or someone with new insight and experience to come in to help fix the problem or at least help get thing reconnected better.
This made me start thinking about my life or the lives of my clients. Sometimes we go through life not feeling completely connected or we pretend like everything is fine and we tell everyone that we are doing great. But in reality we feel a little unplugged. You see the TV would work and turn off and then on again and as annoying as it was, we still watched it. Just like when something is not going wrong with us we still move forward or try to act like nothing is wrong and cover it by our ability to function. When my friends and family were running around we must have jarred the plug just enough to become completely disconnected but still appear like it was connected. I am guilty of acting like this. There has been times in my life when I've been in a crisis mode and all I can do is the mandatory tasks that make it appear like I am connected and working just fine, but on the inside knowing that if anyone were to look further or ask me more questions or give me more tasks to do, that I would not be able to handle it and would probably have a melt down right in front of them. At times we need a professional or someone with new insight and experience to come in to help fix the problem or at least help get thing reconnected better.
My new TV purchase was an $800 dollar mistake that could have been avoided if I would have asked for help or had the professional come out and look at it before I gave up on the old TV. Using the repair man he could have told me it just needed to be plugged in better and would have only cost me his $85 service fee to come out and check it out. When we don't take care of our problems or emotions it starts to wear on our entire body. We start getting physical symptoms like ulcers, chronic pain, tension in our muscles, chronic diseases etc. Most physical illness is a result of unresolved emotional pain or stress. If you get help to resolve the issues you can prevent yourself from having to spend thousands on medical bills and years of suffering later. While counseling can be expensive how much are you willing to invest in yourself to get plugged in or rewired so you feel you are functioning on your best possible level? How much are you worth to take preventative measures to take care of issues before they get bigger and possibly more serious and painful? You are worth it and so is your health!!! It's OK to talk to a therapist, we are not that scary and we don't bite too hard. We do not judge, we listen and teach you ways to cope and ways to overcome the parts of yourself that you feel are broken or unplugged.
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I have a client who is 16 years old. She had been sexually abused by her father for years. She came into counseling with a bad attitude. Her mom was making her come. She had been through five therapists and no one was able to help her through her traumas and so she really thought therapy was a waste of time. She had dropped out of school, would sleep all day, had no desire or motivation to change. She was depressed.
Our second session I had her do a sand tray. I gave her some time to herself to explore the sand tray room and get into the process. I felt she was very smart and needed some private self exploration. When I came back she had created a master piece. She was so excited to tell me about her creation that within minutes she had opened up and was letting me in. We processed her scene and her feelings and she was excited to come back to therapy. She was now filled with hope.
The third session she came back, her affect was now bright, she was happy and excited to start talking. She said that all the therapists who she had been to were older and that they always asked her how things made her feel and she felt they couldn't relate. She then said for the first time in years i felt hope, hope that finally someone understands me. She reported that she applied and got a scholarship to go to a private school so she can graduate from high school on time. She had set some new goals for herself and she has a desire to speak and tell her story to other youth to let them know they are not alone. This was a huge change from where she was at when she first came in and where she had been for the past 6 years. It taught me that the best way to instill hope is to be with the client, show them you care and try to relate with them on their level. I use different techniques when I work with teenagers because they are usually resistant to treatment when they feel they are being forced to go. She still has some trauma work to be done but a few more sessions and she will be back to a good level of functioning without her past traumas haunting her and keeping her down.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Our website is up!!!!

After a lot of waiting and frustration, I had to take matters into my own hand and create my own website. Check us out at I made it using Wix. I am pretty proud!!! Just a reminder we do have therapists in every county across the Wasatch Front from Weber to Utah county that will provide in home counseling services. We also offer online therapy from our website, using skype.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Zone Balance Therapy

I believe in healing the whole person. So many therapists only focus on the mental health part that is dysfunctional. To truly be healed one must be healed, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Coco Loco Counseling uses a holistic approach to healing. We utilize a variety of methods and techniques to get you functioning back to normal or even better. I would like to talk about Zone Balance therapy today as one of the holistic methods we use.
Zone Balance Therapy is an advanced form of Reflexology. It is a precise physical therapy applied via direct pressure to the various "zones" of the foot. The Zone balance Therapy Practitioner aka "Zoner" observes the foot and interprets the "messages" it conveys through discolorations, spots, tenderness and pain. When a signal point is triggered within a certain zone a message goes to the tissue or organ effected through a reflex arc through the spinal cord and then to the brain. Discomfort is experienced in areas of imbalance and this is where healing is needed. If there is no pain then no correction is needed.
A complex system located in the feet connects to every organ and cell of the body. Zone Balance Therapy always stimulates every part of the body and renews the cell system in each treatment. Zone Balance Therapy is a holistic approach which recognises that all of the body's cells and organs make up one giant, complex, interactive organism. Zone Balancing encourages the body's natural healing capability by normalizing blood circulation, hormone production and circulations, lymph circulation, digestion, assimilation, elimination and the function of the autonomic nervous system. Zone baling does take time. It works with the body's own innate intelligence and only allows the body to do what it can when it can.
Zone balancing can help you heal emotionally, physically and spiritually. I often work side by side with a Zone Balancer during sessions where a client needs a little extra something or is having a hard time knowing how they are feeling. The zoner and I will tag team a session as you are getting "zoned" she will discuss things she is feeling from you and I will be incorporating that into your mental health treatment as we process the feelings that come up and out.
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